Monday, May 21, 2012

In today's DF lesson I finishes gluing all the big main parts of my desk tidy together except i just have to glue the box on and then all I need to do is make it look good by cleaning it. I will clean it and glue the box on in the next DF lesson then I would have finished completely.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This term we have been doing our desk tidies which are made out of acrylic. First I made my design out of cardboard so I could measure the lengths and so I could make changes if I wanted. After I finished my cardboard deisgn I started my desk tidy. So far I have the base and in today's lesson I glued on the iPad and phone holder. I have got most of my design cut out of acrylic and sanded down except the box which I will have to do next lesson.